27 Mar, 2014
The Atheist Foundation of Australia welcomes the government’s invitation to provide feedback on the national school curriculum. The Atheist Foundation of Australia (AFA) is the largest atheist group in the southern hemisphere which not only represents it...
7 Feb, 2013
14 January, 2013 Committee Secretary Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committees PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 The Atheist Foundation of Australia is pleased to make a submission to the Senate Education, Employment and Workplace...
22 Nov, 2012
The question on religion in the Australian Census contains two elements which are problematical in obtaining accurate figures. The two problems are: It asks, “What is the person’s religion?” This is a leading question and can elicit a religion of...
19 Jun, 2010
Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics: Inquiry into the Tax Laws Amendment (Public Benefit Test) Bill 2010 By the Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc 1. The Atheist Foundation of Australia supports the TAX LAWS AMENDMENT (PUBLIC BENEFIT TEST) BILL...
28 Apr, 2010
I have chosen for my son not to attend scripture class. Only one or two other children’s parents opted out. When the scripture teacher arrives the names of my son and two others are read out. They are then paraded out of the class into a corridor. The school is...
13 May, 2009
CORRESPONDENCE 2009 Hon. Dr Jane Lomax-Smith MP Minister for Education and Children’s Services GPO Box 778 ADELAIDE SA 5001 13 May 2009 Dear Minister, I write to you yet again concerning a breach of regulations regarding religious instruction and/or a Chaplain...