25 Apr, 2016
AFA Vice-president Michael Boyd spoke with the Reverend Bill Crews on 2GB about churches paying taxes, as raised in our recent Religious Charity! What Is It Good For? Media Release. The audio can be found at this link. By...
23 Mar, 2016
As part of our annual AFA Committee Conference and Strategy Day, elections are held for Committee officeholders. We would like to inform members of significant changes to these. The AFA Committee of Management congratulates Kylie Sturgess on being elected unopposed as...
14 Feb, 2016
AFA President Michael Boyd spoke with the Reverend Bill Crews on 2GB about church groups picketing abortion clinics, as raised in our recent 40 Days for Harassment Media Release. The audio can be found at this link. By 4579456345
5 Sep, 2015
The Atheist Foundation of Australia is proud to support Think Inc’s An Evening with Sam Harris Tour. In the current social and intellectual landscape, Sam Harris is a valuable and vigorous agent of rational thought, where evidence thrives and evangelicalism...
28 May, 2015
AFA President Michael Boyd spoke with the Reverend Bill Crews on 2GB regarding a new survey from the UK that shows that religious and spiritual needs rank last for those facing the end of life. The audio can be found at at this link. By 2
7 Feb, 2015
Sydney Atheists and the Atheist Foundation of Australia (AFA) have partnered in a billboard campaign on Sydney’s M4 motorway. The billboard was unveiled this week at Homebush West, where it will be seen by over 100,000 drivers and their passengers each day for the...