What did Judas Betray?

Question: What did Judas betray?Answer: Why do you ask? Don’t you know? Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver. That much we know well. This is the immediate and thoughtless answer, given blindly. We have surely not asked why he perpetrated the betrayal, even...

The True Story of the Resurrection of Jesus

THE TRUE STORY OF THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS AS TOLD IN THE KING JAMES VERSION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES When did the women visit the tomb? MARK: At the rising of the sun.JOHN: When it was yet dark. Who were these women? MATTHEW: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.MARK:...

The Passion of The Christ (Review)

Despite the reservations expressed by some critics, there can be little doubt that Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ is a cinematic masterpiece. While stylized, even theatrical, in character, the acting is impressive, the cinematography breathtaking, the...

The Mistranslation of 'Virgin' Extract of The Selfish Gene

“Several distressed correspondents have queried the mistranslation of ‘young woman’ into ‘virgin’ in the biblical prophecy, and have demanded a reply from me. Hurting religious sensibilities is a perilous business these days so I had...