The Devil – Unjustly Maligned

  Reading the Bible it is difficult not to come to the conclusion that the Devil has been unjustly maligned. From the beginning of time the Devil has been blamed for anything and everything from warts to volcanic eruptions, from haemorrhoids to earthquakes and...

Made in the Image of a Humourless God

  There are a number of references in the Old Testament of man (Forgive the sexist word but we are talking Bible here) being made in the image of Yahweh, but let us preview just one of them, it being part of Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our...

God – The Onus of Proof

  The question of whether or not god exists is still, amazingly, being asserted in the affirmative, even by some very intelligent men and women. In other areas of their thought, their living, they would not normally consider accepting assertions of a different...

DYING…To Meet Your God!

  Throughout the centuries a small proportion of people have found themselves in the circumstance where martyrdom for their ‘beliefs’ has been their fate. Others have found themselves in the unfortunate position of being sacrificed against their...

Does God Exist?

  It is in need of pointing out that this question has been asked since the time of our first conscious awareness. Even though it varies in how it is asked, no other notion is anywhere near as universally represented in the thoughts of humans. The glaring...