10 Apr, 2012
It would appear that all extant religions and their offshoots derive their credibility and moral philosophy from a particular person. Names that come to mind are Confucius, Moses, Mohammed, Jesus, Paul, Mary Baker Eddy, Joseph Smith, William Booth and Martin Luther....
10 Apr, 2012
(Talk given to the Atheist Society, Melbourne, on 10 November 2009) In November 2007 Harry Gardner, Gideon Polya, Halina Strnad and I were asked to form a panel to address the Humanist Society of Victoria on the theme of “What Humanism Means to Me”. My...
10 Apr, 2012
I am sometimes told that the Atheist Foundation of Australia website is negative and just attacks religion without offering any alternatives. I disagree Where our writers have exposed religion for what it is, by showing how they all work, may be interpreted as...
10 Apr, 2012
It is reasonably common for religious persons and others to class Atheists as those that have a “belief” system. It is taken for granted that the Atheist’s “belief” system is somewhat different from a “belief” in the...
10 Apr, 2012
This heading is a compilation of the words of René Descartes and my partner Lee. A mixture of aged wisdom and contemporary thought that goes very well together indeed. René of course meant that because he can think, he therefore must exist to be able to do so. Lee...