Gullibility, thy name is Humanity

  Somewhere near twelve billion years ago, nature expressed itself in one of its infinite variations, by violently exploding our universe into being. Billions of years passed as gasses coalesced into ever denser bodies that ignited under tremendous gravitational...

Faith Challenges Reality – A Flipside Fable

  On some far tangent of the imagination in a time that never was, Faith went outdoors for a stroll. Not much ground was covered before Faith met Reality. The presence of Reality was always a challenge to the confidence of Faith. On this occasion, Faith decided...

Eternal Life – the only way!

  The alleged eternal life offered by the religious is a complete hoax. The real cruelty of this deception is its obstruction of another possibility; that scientific discovery will eventually solve the eternal life problem. If you forgo the following logic, you...

Do We Have Free Will?

  It is enough of itself, with religion being the greatest promoter of the concept of free will, to be suspicious that this hypothesis is not as clear-cut as it may superficially appear to be.The survival of religion depends largely on humanity having total free...

Do Humans have Souls?

  Libraries have thousands of books on theology and doctrine arising therefrom, there are thousands of books on Christology, there are thousands of books on the Bible and the characters depicted therein; the number of Bibles, Korans and other ‘sacred’...