27th June 07
The release of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census figures on religion has reinforced that the observance of faith in Australia is in continual decline. Information so far made public demonstrates no-religion, the only category in ascendancy, has increased by a marked 3.2%.
20% of the population (four million) are children under the age of 14. They do not possess the mental maturity to make decisions on the complex issue of religious belief.
Participants robotically stating ones birth-religion even if no longer practised; one parent aligning other members of the family to their particular faith, again, even if not true shows the figures supporting religious belief are grossly overstated.
The question itself presupposes a religious view is held.
Important political decisions using the premise of high religious observance by Australians is clearly based on a falsity.
That the leaders of all religions do not attempt to rectify the situation of specious Census figures reveals the morals they so vigorously espouse, are sadly lacking.
This kind of demographic deception is unhelpful to democracy.