For immediate release
Ticket Sales Surge for Global Atheist Convention
As word spreads of the Global Atheist Convention to be held in Melbourne next March, organisers have been flooded with inquiries and premium tickets have already sold out.
David Nicholls, president of the Atheist Foundation of Australia, and head of the convention committee, says, “The buzz surrounding the convention is amazing! The news is spreading like wildfire across the internet, and it’s being mentioned in blogs from the USA to India. We’re getting enquiries from across the world.”
Nicholls attributes the excitement to the quality of speakers and the breadth of subject matter to be discussed at the convention. Speakers include world-renowned scientists Richard Dawkins and PZ Myers; philosophers Peter Singer and AC Grayling; broadcasters Phillip Adams and Robyn Williams; politician Lyn Allison; authors Tanya Levin and Russell Blackford; and human rights activist Taslima Nasrin.
While the Gold Weekend Passes have sold out, Nicholls says there are still plenty of seats available. “We anticipated that the convention would generate a lot of interest – that’s why we chose the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre for our venue.”
Tickets are on sale at The Rise of Atheism Global Atheist Convention website at
David Nicholls
Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Private Mail Bag 6
Maitland SA 5573
Australia – (08) 8835-2269
International – +61 8 8835-2269
Email: [email protected]