The Atheist Foundation of Australia would remind people of the true meaning of Christmyth. The usurping of the winter solstice festival of Saturnalia by Christianity happened 300 years after the alleged events of the New Testament.

The Romans invented Saturnalia in 270 BCE and it became traditionally a well established time for gaiety. In fact, early Christians considered it the height of paganism to celebrate birthdays, even that of the alleged Jesus. There is no Biblical injunction to do so.

Saturnalia, the festival of the ‘unconquered sun’ slowly entered into Christian mythology and then later along came Santa Claus. The AFA consider the two beliefs to be indistinguishable from each other in that neither Santa nor Jesus make personal appearances to their devotees.

The Atheist Foundation of Australia wishes everyone, including the pious, a very merry Christmyth and a Happy New Year. We wholeheartedly endorse the idea that messages of goodwill and peace on earth should extend to every day of the year.


David Nicholls
Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Private Mail Bag 6
Maitland SA 5573

Phone: (08) 8835 2269

Email: [email protected]
