The sign, “Atheism – Celebrate Reason!” is up and running on Tasmanian buses. We now have the ‘go-ahead’ to run bus advertising campaigns in Melbourne.

Following similar campaigns in cities around the world, the Melbourne campaign will launch in early March 2010. Both campaigns dovetail with the lead-up to our Rise of Atheism Global Atheist Convention to be held in March 2010, so atheism will be spotlighted in the media at that time.

We have had to overcome many obstacles in gaining approval for this ‘legendary’ advertising campaign. Now we have only one final obstacle to overcome – financing it! We have already received a number of generous pledges but the success, indeed the implementation, of the campaign will depend upon receiving sufficient financial support from our many members and supporters.

We really need Australian atheists to get behind this campaign and donate now.

If you can help – please use one of the following methods:

Note: Due to confidentiality clauses in the agreements with the advertising and bus companies involved and inadequate laws in SA and NSW, the AFA will only be placing signs on buses in Melbourne and Tasmania.


Direct Deposit
Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc.
Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 06 5503
Account Number: 1012 0389

Cheques and Money Orders
Made payable to: Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc.
Send to: Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Private Mail Bag 6 Maitland SA 5573

Click here to pay online via Paymate. (Fees apply)

* Please include your name and the words, “BUS CAMPAIGN” *


David Nicholls
Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Private Mail Bag 6

Phone: (08) 8835 2269

Email: [email protected]




