Science  Religion
1 is based on objective factual evidence which is subject to verification  is based on subjective ‘divine’ revelation which cannot be verified
2  is dependent on fact is dependent on fantasy
3  considers all phenomena as natural considers all phenomena as supernatural e.g. a rainbow, harvest etc is a sign from or work of, a god or demon
4 assumes that the laws of nature are universally constant declares that the laws of nature change as the deity sees fit
5  affirms the equality of all humans asserts the divine ordaining of rulers and ruled, super and subject races, master and slave
6 the pronouncements of science are in terms of probabilities the pronouncements of religion are in terms of absolute certainties
7 sees ill-health conceived in terms of infection and organ malfunction sees ill-health conceived in terms of sin, demons and punishment
8  treats ill-health with blood transfusions, anti-biotics and antiseptic conditions treats ill-health with prayers, incantations, laying on of hands, spittle and oil
9 declares that ethical standards are relative and determined by the people declares that ethical standards are absolute and are given by a deity
10 sees world peace in terms of mutual agreements and the elimination of injustice and ignorance sees world peace in terms of a super-natural intervention and imposition of a universal religion



   Atheism Religion
1 sees love as spontaneous emotion sees love as a response to a divine command
2 sees authorities as appointed by the people sees authorities as divinely appointed
3 sees all moral laws as man-made sees all moral laws as divinely decreed
4 sees marriage as a human agreement sees marriage as a religious sacrament
5 considers that gods, ghosts, demons, etc exist only in humans’ imagination insists that gods, ghosts, demons, etc exist in reality
6 sees death as a part of the cycle of birth, growth, reproduction, and decline sees death as the result of Adam’s mis-demeanour (organisms were dying millions of years before humans appeared)
7 seeks to provide a better life for the living now promises a way for bliss after death
8 declares the Inquisition, the rack, the stake and the faggot the result of religious ignorance declares the Inquisition, the rack, the stake and the faggot the work of an infallible, inspired body doing the revealed will of a deity
9 sees humans as basically amoral sees humans as basically immoral
10 sees the physical resurrection of dead and decaying bodies as impossible sees the physical resurrection of dead and decaying bodies to be a fundamental doctrine


By Keith S Cornish